Hi readers, thanks for stopping by and reading. One of the things I like is to get connected through this e-space and share my thoughts. Whenever time permits, please visit and read my views...There may be some inspiring takeaways for you.. Let us agree to disagree some views where we may differ.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Paarengum Paarthaalum.....

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Drawing Conclusions
The same holds good when we get bogged by a defeat. We seldom stand un-biased as our emotions overrule our thoughts. None of us are exception to it. One small defeat is enough for us to go down!. A serious question for which, am sure many of us would like to get an answer.
Few days back, I came across an interesting story that aptly matched this. This is the story of a poor Chinese farmer who had no asset except his beautiful lovely white horse and a good for nothing son. All the villagers envied his priceless possession - the horse. Even the king coveted his treasure. Everyone went up to him and said " You are lucky, you have a beautiful horse". The people asked him if he would sell the horse to them and were ready to pay a high price. The farmer smilingly refused to sell. The poor farmer a composed man did not show any reaction and said, " It is neither good nor bad".
One morning, the horse was found missing in the stable. The villagers saw the horse missing and said, " you are a fool. Someone might have robbed the horse. We warned you! See, you missed a great opportunity to make money!; See, now you have a misfortune!". The old man said, " Don't respond quickly. It is not in the stable. That is all we know. The rest of the statements are judgments".
Not admitting, the villagers said that he has been cursed. The old man said, "whether it is a curse or a blessing, we do not know. So, let us not comment." After a few days, the horse returned back to the stable - not alone but with a dozen of horses. Now the villagers said, " Oh, wow!, You certainly are blessed!.. See, now you have lots of horses!. Lucky guy you are! We are sorry, we said it was a curse; now it is a blessing!". The woodcutter farmer said,"No one knows whether it is a curse or a blessing!. I am content with what I know."
One day, his son wanted to tame the horse. He climbed on it and fell down from the horse and broke his leg. This time, the farmers called the poor man, a misfortune. Now there is no one to help you. Composed farmer said the same thing. They all thought he was senile.
Soon the king announced the country is engaging in a war against its neighboring nation and that all the young men in the village were required to join the army!. A war in which they lost and all young men died. The moaning villagers came this time again to say, "You are lucky at least your son is alive". The farmer a little annoyed said, " Again, do not say this. Say that their sons had to go to war and that this farmer's son did not. Only God knows whether it is a blessing or a curse".
How true it is!. It is a great inspiring story for all of us across ages as we are victims of judging people easily and incidents easily... A mind refreshing story indeed...
Signing off
Ignorance is Bliss - How true it is!
This is in continuation to my earlier note on Tamil's state... I was until today, wondering it was normal for people to forget something that they have learnt called as 'fundamentals'. Oh yes! We do not give even an iota of importance to language as compared to learning universal language.
Now, on to why I feel 'Ignorance is Bliss' is such a true adage. Thanks to a regional channel program that has evinced interest in me watching. As usual, I switched on my TV to watch this KAKS program in the same regional channel. Today's questions were:
1. What is India's National Tree? (translated - Indiavin desiya maram edhu?)
2. Who is the current President of India?
Let me write about the answers for the second question first. I am quite convinced that The President is a famous personality or should be a famous personality!
If Barack Obama visited India and Indonesia, at least for the days he visited the Asian countries, every citizen from 5 to 80 would have remembered the PRESIDENT of US is BARACK OBAMA. That was the charisma, personality or - whatever you may call, he has!. He is a great orator, a charming guy...so on...
Whilst the President of US has a great respect, our Indian President is not known at all in our own soil.Very few people even knew it is a Woman who is the President and that Smt. Prathiba Patil is the current P of I. I seriously feel sorry for people's ignorance about our country!
Is it because, the President is not as famous as the Prime Minister?
Is it because, the President is not from South India?
Or is it because, the President does not make many visits to states within India? - I do not know why!
Now on to the vote:
Some people said it is Shri APJ Abdul Kalam still continuing (Wishful Thinking!!!!). In spite of the compere asking the CURRENT and not EX.
But, the long back governor of Tamilnadu has got a strong remembrancerememberance in the minds of people. She was refered to as the current PRESIDENT of India. What a pity!.Who do we blame? Many said it is FATHIMA BEEVI (pls remember her tenure was between 1997 to 2001) . Very few strongly said it is SMT. PRATHIBA PATEL. Phew!
I have always felt, PERSONALITY matters a lot when you represent a nation!. The nation has produced lot of charismatic leaders in the past and now.(E.g. Arun Jaitley, Jairam Ramesh, Kapil Sibal, Prakash Karat)
I will leave it to the readers to decide where we stand!.
By the way, have you guys guessed which is the National Tree? The answers from public ranged from Teak tree to Neem tree to Peepal tree.. Shhhhh. I am not going to answer.I am sure, you guys would have guessed the right one!!!
(My two cents worth)
Signing off
Friday, November 12, 2010
The state of Tamizh - தமிழின் நிலைமை!.அந்தோ பரிதாபம்!!
P: 2
C: Uyir-mei ezhuthu evvalov anne? (உயிர்-மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் எவ்வளவு அண்ணே?) (How many letters in compound form ? - i.e. Vowels + consonants?)
P: 42
C: Tamizh thaai vaazhthu paaduvom la, theriyuma?adhai yaaru iyatrinaangannu theriyuma?
P: Tagore!
Surprised with the answers? Yes. For a minute, I was also a victim of this surprise!Yesterday, I watched a program called Konjam Arattai, Konjam settai in a regional channel.The program was totally in Tamizh and no English words are being used.A real good program to watch. It went on such that the comperer interviews few people and asks very very basic questions related to Tamizh. But what was so hilarious about the program was that the answers that came attached with the confidence level!!.. I had to roll on the floor laughing at the same time felt very very sad for Tamizh's present state!.The questions and answers go like this!! (People of age group 15 to 50, all tamizh speaking people)
C(omperer): Anne, tamizh la uyir ezhuthu evvalov theriyuma?
(English translated: Brother, do you know how many vowels are there in Tamizh?)
P: Yes.. 26 without any second thought
C: kandippa (Sure?)
P: Sorry, it is not 26, 20
C: Appo, mei ezhuthu evvalov? (அப்போ மெய் எழுத்து எவ்வளவு தெரியுமா?) (How many consonants?)
P: 36
C: Uyir-mei ezhuthu evvalov anne? (உயிர்-மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் எவ்வளவு அண்ணே?) (How many letters in compound form ? - i.e. Vowels + consonants?)
P: 42
Likewise, he asks several people.. Guess, he might have asked around a dozen. Believe me, every one had the answers ranging from 12 to 200!The most hilarious answer for the last question was
P: ha ha...400 sorry 401 (Is this any 401k plan????) and he claims he is very very confident on the answer!!
(Other answers were hovering around 250 and some around 50, 60.. Pot luck kind a answers)
The toppest question is
C: Aayudha (ஆயுத) ezhuthu evvalov?
P: 2 (Around 3 people said two and 2 of them said they did not know! One person went up to explain 2 letters - one is akk (அக்), and another one is uk (உக்))
It is a real sad state that in spite of people learning the mother tongue, it has not been learnt properly(many of us are in this state!)! When you can remember consonants are 21 and 5 vowels in English, why can't you remember the count in Tamizh even if you can not remember all of them!Further more, the next question was
C: Tamizh thaai vaazhthu paaduvom la, theriyuma?adhai yaaru iyatrinaangannu theriyuma?
P: Tamizh thaai vaazhthu? adhu, vandhu thaayumaanavar!
C: Nalladhu.
Like wise, he asks the same question to many people. (Around 13 of them to what I could count of). The toppers (votes) for this answer are:
Thaayumaanavar - 1
Thiru.vi.ka - 1
Rabindranath Tagore - 8 (!!!!!!!!!!!)
Thiruvalluvar - 3
Some were asked to sing 2 lines from song... Guess what? They sang in their sweetest voice - Jana gana mana (ஜன கன மன)! But, interestingly many sang the 90 percent of first line correctly.
“இனி தமிழ் மெல்ல சாகும்” (Tamizh will die slowly) - Bhaarathi was a soothsayer!
Having said about Tamizh, I guess it is the same state whether you learn Sanskrit, Telugu or any other language per se as long as one studies language just as a subject out of compulsion and not out of love.
PS: The people interviewed were the ones who had studied Tamizh as a subject in their K12. The sad state DOES NOT APPLY TO THOSE WHO DID NOT HAVE TAMIZH AS A SUBJECT OR HAVE NOT READ TAMIZH IN THEIR SCHOOL EDUCATION!!!.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Packing - A new experience!!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Navarthri 2010
I have heard that the arrangement of dolls and clay figurines in 3,5,7,9 steps is said to symbolize the evolution of life from being gods to humans.
Generally the order with which they arrange the dolls would be that the creators are arranged in the top steps / tiers followed by Rishis, Saadhus and the last step(s) would typically consist depicting the social life behavior ( Chettiyaars, Army man, Wedding, cricket etc). While there are many reasons stated for the significance of golu, I have a feeling it is also a thank-giving way for the potterers.
Generally visitors come to every house in the evenings and adore the arrangements, discuss many things. It is also a way to mingle with other members in the host family. Spicy lentils is offered as prasadam and distributed to the visitors.
When I say mingling with members - a most wanted thing in the apartment these days as we do not know who is our neighbor. This gives a way to shed differences and socialize well.
Many festivals have taken a convenience. Some celebrate it for 9 days while some keep for 3 days. It is also considered to be good if you give vethelai paakku ( betel leaves nuts) to people who visit home... A reminiscenting memory when I used to be child and sing songs to get sundal(only if you sing, you get mind you). I vividly remember all my inviting occasions where I went to houses and invited them.
The next day / within 2 days based on convenience, everyone visited our house to see the dolls and sang songs. Only of late, the reciprocation of visiting homes (also heard the same from another friend) has come down as priorities differ for individuals. During one of my visits to houses, I heard from an elder person that during this time, it is supposed to be punniyam / sacred when you GIVE vethalai paakku and RECEIVE vethalai paakku...
Signing off
HOPE has Answers!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Azhwars - an Intro's intro
Thus began my search. Though I have not gathered much inputs on understanding the topic, I would also request readers to stop by and contribute to knowing Azhwars as to understanding what they intended to communicate!
This should not definitely raise theist / atheist thoughts but just a mere understanding to praise them better and understand the language and know Divya Prabandhams in a proper way. I shall start it soon!..Contributions most welcome...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Growing Plants at home
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Some special words in Iyengarism
Saadhikkaradhu - to serve in food - parimaarardhu
Saathamudhu - Rasam - Saatrin amudhu (amudhu - juice)
Thaligai - Cooking - Samayal
Thirukkanamudhu - Payasam
Akkaravadisal - Sakkarai Pongal
Karamudhu - Vegetable - Curry
Thaligai amsichacha - offering food to god
Dadhyodannam - Curd rice - thayir sadham
Sevithal - Prostrate ( Falling on one's feet) - Namaskaram
Thirumanjanam - Abhishekam
Thiruthuzhai - Tulasi
puzhakkadai - backyard - kollaipuram
ksheeraannam - Kalkandu paayasam
Apart from these, there might have been words but I have not heard that much.. Even I guess if these words are used in daily usage!
(May be in my next post, I shall post some more)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thanks from the heart
Personally, I dont really believe in all these "Days"- Sister day, Father's day, Mother's day et al. But from another stand point, I see this as a very big marketing opportunities for bigs such as Archies, Hallmark etc. Because presence of a friend is for life and you dont need to thank them on one single day...
Like there is a saying "The smallest moments shared with friends bring us the brightest joys".
I wish each and everyone a very happy friendship day!!!!
Special thanks (12th friends) to
Rad, Shree - you mean a whole lot for me... You know and in addition - (we wish each other during Sep end when our birthdays fall)
My friends in MBA - LV, SP, RR aka WD, SM - you guys have made me feel very very young at heart.
My violin friends - RS, BS, DS, AS,RVR - You have created a perfect symphony ;-) to our friendship.
All my other friends, I thank you all for being there in my life
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Football fever that lasted for about 30 days
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Technology and Mind
Kutty kutty thoughts on instructions
Saturday, June 5, 2010
AJSS for a grand finale
Saturday, May 15, 2010
A wonderful darshan
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Aazhwar Paasurams
Thursday, May 6, 2010
My rumblings on Airtel Jr Super Singer 2
I am sure the kids who are singing are not that matured enough to understand deeply the meaning of "throw", "output", "husky" so on and so forth.As a break from regular competition, they conduct some small 1 lakh rupees, and event specials. They are just wonderful to watch.. Alls fine till now.
However, sometime back episodes where Suchitra and Naresh Iyer were the judges... No -ve feelings about the judges..
They are just amazing singers. But they could have been a little professional. I felt Suchitra lacked that in toto. The dressing should have been formal. C'mon.. you are judging kids but in a reality show. Please do not forget that.
The Airtel stage has seen great judges. They can bring variation in the way they sing. They can change the Thalam or ask them to sing based on what appears in the screen, remember the lyrics etc. these are some ways the kids can be judged so that they get an overall perspective of the playback singing..Many newer ways of making the kids sing.
Coming to the lyrics - Roshan has been often under the scanner of not getting the lyrics properly. The point the honorable judges also need to understand is that he is a 12 year old kid and will get the lyrics properly in due course of time. Even Divya ( the anchor) has pronunciation problems. Mam, you also need to pronounce the words properly..... Please do not have a Mallu tinge in your Tamizh. Eg. Randu (irandu)...
The end of the day... Sorry end of the episode - someone is going to go away with Rs 25 L worth Villa... May the real best singer win.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What do we call this - An inspiring story
For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water in his master’s house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.
After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. “I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you.”“Why?” asked the bearer. “What are you ashamed of?”
“I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master’s house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don’t get full value from your efforts,” the pot said.
The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, “As we return to the master’s house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path.”
Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some. But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again it apologized to the bearer for its failure.
The bearer said to the pot, “Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pot’s side? That’s because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you’ve watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master’s table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house.”
CARVA - A Learning Experience
Learning at CARVA is fun. CARVA school stands for the quintessential Carnatic music instrument called violin. The founder of this school, our guru, Shri. CA Rajasekar is one of the greatest violinist and a wonderful guru. Started in 2000, CARVA has been successful in teaching violin among all age groups with simple and easy bowing techniques.
What is special about this school? – the school is unique by itself. CARVA gives a lot of exposure to all the students by organizing performances. The students get a good amount of confidence while playing in front of huge audiences.
Shri. CA Rajasekar’s teaching is par beyond excellence. He ensures that every student gets his / her fundamentals correct while learning violin even if it means spending more number of classes. In order to play violin, bowing technique, finger placement are two important things that one needs to get it correct before learning different swaras.
The initial classes at CARVA concentrate more on holding violin and bow in the right position. Once a student gets his / her basics right he /she starts loving to enjoy and learn more and more from him. Only here, you could find people of all age groups learn under the tutelage of him. What makes our guru stand apart from all others is that his ability to bring out the best in every student whom he has trained and nurtured in music right from the first class (open string Sa)
He demonstrates high amount of patience and perseverance to ensure that every student comes out the best. Learning at CARVA is an experience. Every class is filled with a right mixture of training, fun, creativity, theory of music. Every class at CARVA is vibrant, positive and kindles the fire in the students to learn more and more from him.
What is Attitude?
(a maiden attempt to write a 1 pager on a topic :-))
What is Attitude?
Attitude is everything. Our life cycles around this word called attitude. Attitude means the positive or negative way of an "attitude object": i.e., a person, behavior, or event.
Attitude exists in all walks of our life. – Be it food habits, good thoughts, approach to people, success in business, in the playground, with the family.
People have free choice of doing things as they please. But what is more important is, how is their approach, attitude towards things?
We are filled with emotions and attitudes that we inherit/ acquire from family/ friends. The way of differentiating good attitude (way of thinking) and bad attitude determines our success rate to a greater extent.
We have different attitude about self, towards other things / people and attitude on life. Attitude on self can be self-esteem, pride, self confidence. Attitude on others can be the way of looking at people / object – good feeling about the others, indifference towards others. Attitude towards life – a challenging question!. How do I view it? It is a feeling of thinking good things / happenings would always come our way because we are doomed to difficulties in life.
A Positive attitude can overcome a negative situation. It generates positive thoughts that emerge circumstantially. – A Paradigm Shift. When you shift your attitude towards positive way, you feel that life suddenly responds in kind.
A Positive attitude attracts positive things and positive thoughts in life. A Negative Attitude act the reverse. For example, if you speak negative about another person or a situation it suddenly attracts negative thoughts and circumstances in life.
Let me give an example:
We go to a shop and buy things. We are happy looking at different things. We get whatever we want in the shop. All is fine. When we go to the Cash counter and pay cash, we notice that one of the currencies that we intend to pay is torn but fixed with a transparent adhesive tape. Do we take it back and give a good currency to the cashier?. No, most of the times we do not. Here our negative attitude is reflected. On the other side, he accepts your torn currency. It shows his positive attitude.
“ Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us” - John N. Mitchell