Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Elections have always been a tension filled, fun and a fan-fare activity. Once in every 5 years, we get to listen to faces (unseen so far) campaigning for their parties and for themselves. Political campaigns have undergone a big change. Politicians have changed their strategies in approaching voters.

There used to be blaring loudspeakers, cut-outs, hit-songs, wall posters, and a relentless 9 - 6 campaign in the hot sun. It has become passe now. It used to look like a festival time. These days, may be because of less time to campaign, these have become very less or almost nil.

It is an interesting experience and a transformation in terms of elections being conducted. Migration from paper ballot to Electronic Voting Machine (if only, Sujatha had been alive, he would have been extremely happy witnessing the usage of EVMS; It was during his tenure @ BEL, EVM was designed!) Lot of changes..Even campaigns are run through the media - the individual party's television, radio. With the advent of technology and free money flow, campaigning perspectives have changed though the motive still remains and will ever remain the same - Hunger for Power.

Technology has helped the politicians give a personal touch to the voters - by way of social networking (some independent candidates), SMSes, calls, what not...I only wonder what if all these changes are bringing in the desired change in the government and minds of people? Sigh.. I doubt so.. Time and again, we have only seen the change of power seeming to be the change of person and not in ideologies, progressive approaches and design a growth path!!

Freebies have come an integral part of the campaigning strategy during this election. Voters are wooed with freebies, alchohol, cash or kind. I used to wonder this whenever I hear the statement - Your vote counts!!. Yeah, for money, for freebies, every vote counts.. But that should not refrain from voting. Voting is a right!. You can always use 49-O too if you don't like any party. But never forget to cast your opinion. I have exercised my franchise!!!

Election 2011 for TN is over. Let us hope the new government (whoever it may be) take TamilNadu in to a REAL growth path and not spend the term in PERSONAL family growth path!!!

Signing off,


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