Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Crab, Waves & Friendship!

Once there was a crab living near the shore... Everyday as it ran on the seashore, its footprints were removed & cleared by the approaching waves. The crab got angry & upset. It waited for a couple of days.
The waves cleared the footprints daily.
The crab went up to the waves & asked in a raised tone... "Why are you clearing my beautiful footprints?"
The waves smiled & replied, "When you run, you leave your footprints.. The fishermen sees this & follows your footprints to catch you.. That is why I cleared it off in order to protect you."
The crab realized this & thanked the waves.

"Good friends are always there to protect you from any danger!!! - How true it is!."

My mother listened to this somewhere & shared this very short story with me.. Interesting isn't it!.Too short story, yet a great one!

Signing off,

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